Friday, June 18, 2010

About G8
The G8 summit will be held at Huntsville, Ontario, Cananda. It is a meeting for eight countries from all over the world. But the G8 doesn't include China. I don't understand why. Is China not big or strong enough? What is the answer?
I saw the news that HuJintao, the president of China, will attend the G20. I think G20 is a meeting of finance ministers. If I were president of China, I would not do that.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Hi, everybody

I'm new comer. This is my first time creating a blog. My Blog's URL adress is "", the word "RealTimeDataBase" is the area of my work.
I am a programmer. I work at a software called "IntelBase".
I call my blog Real-time Database. maybe is easy for me to remembe it.
I like it. thank you!!!